Architects Sweden (Sveriges Arkitekter), is a collective trade union and professional organisation for all architects in Sweden. The project only consisted of creating a set of new icons.

Swedbank is one Swedens biggest banks with history that reaches back to 1820. This assignment contained web design and some new illustrations based on Swedbank's brand identity.

Vision is a trade union organization for public and private employees with connections to the municipality, region and church, and the association was founded in 1923. I have had the opportunity to work with 4 different Vision projects over the years, and with that created many different characters in different environments together with a web design for them to come to life in.


Akademi Norr is a collaboration between twelve municipalities in the north of Sweden. My assignment was to create a set of security illustrations for them to use.

Generation Pep is a non-profit organization that works to spread knowledge and create commitment around the health of children and young people. The Crown Princess couple are the initiators of Generation Pep. Me and my friend Biola we were involved in working with PEP School, a tool for all schools in Sweden, to help them in their work with physical activity and healthy lifestyle, where we developed a unique Gen PEP illustration style.

The Maritime Work Environment Committee is tasked with contributing to a safer and more secure work environment on board. I was assigned to help Learnways to design an education webpage for them and with that characters and illustrations to go with it.